Dr. Harlan Kilstein – Finger Healing (Compact Edition)
- DVD Number One: I reveal a bit more of the history of finger healing symbols, how they were hidden, and what you must do to make them work in your life. It’s simple but if you leave out a step, it’s like leaving out an ingredient in a recipe and it just doesn’t taste the same.
- DVD Number Two: I reveal the all powerful “Overcoming Obstacles” symbol and how it is best used. Plus, I lead you on a guided meditation as you tap in to the power of the Universe.
- DVD Number Three: I’ll show you the symbol you can use to attract money or anything else you want into your life. Plus, my guided meditation – Financial Housecleaning – will put the Law of Attraction on steroids.
- DVD Number Four: Bringing Love Into Your Life. This one took a great deal of research into the symbols of ancient Tantra and Casmir Shavism (an ancient Indian-Tibet system with strong parallels to Kabala.) This simple symbol used along with the meditation will change even the most drastic situation.